Monday, January 2, 2017


This is a writing project I've considered for a while. I've been taking notes during Bible studies, sermons, camps, and lectureships since I was in middle school. As I have gained practice, my skills have improved and my bookshelf has filled with notebooks. As part of my Bible study this year, I am going to go back through my notebooks and type the notes, sometimes elaborating as I go. This will help me reflect on things I have heard and learned, and I hope will also be encouraging to you as well!!  I'll start with the oldest notebooks, which means I will be reconnecting the dots, as my note-taking was not very robust in the beginning.

My earliest notebook is from 2007, and there is a gap in my notes from college (unfortunately). For the first notebook and part of the second, I will be summarizing topical lists I compiled as I studied and listened. After that, I will be sharing lessons that were taught to me. With each post, I will include the speaker, location if recorded, and date of the original lesson. Please note that credit for the lessons should primarily go to the speaker. If I have included a lesson that was taught by you, and you would like me to take it down, feel free to request it.

I welcome comments from those seeking God and His truth. Please ask questions if you have them! (I reserve the right to delete vulgar comments or shut comments off if a discussion becomes unprofitable.) I also welcome discussion. Due to the variety of topics, speakers, and places that these notes come from, it is likely that you will not agree with everything that I write here. As I look back, I may not even agree with everything in my notebooks. When these disparities come up, our task is to look to God's word and use it as the rule by which we measure truth. I ask that all messages be sent with brotherly love and a peace-seeking attitude. I ask that you not be afraid to ask questions or admit if you're unsure about something (because we learn when we are humble enough and brave enough to admit this!) I ask, above all, that we have the ultimate respect for God's truth and authority, and His inspired word.

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